Fast Accurate Results

Professional Discovery Service’s sole purpose is to locate and then link Unable to Reach Enrollees of Managed Medicaid to their respective Managed Care Organization.

What PDS can do for you

PDS recognized an opportunity to use their decades of experience to provide assistance that not only benefits their clients, but delivers an essential service to the community. Using our distinct "FIND" method, PDS is able to locate UTR Enrollees and put them in contact with their respective MCO. Our company takes pride in ensuring all aspects of the enrollees privacy are taken into account. Having a thorough understanding of the several laws governing healthcare privacy is a tremendous benefit to our company and our clients.


Take the next step with PDS

PDS has a full presentation ready and would welcome any opportunity to help assist with this developing dilemma we are faced with.


Please feel free to contact us at 312-216-0800 or

See how our premium services can help you get the results you want, without all the hassle.





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